Welcome to Peak Forestry. We are a member-based connective network service developed by fire and forestry experts.

Professional. Experienced. Accredited. Knowledgeable. 

As a forestry and fire protection industry professional, the founder of Peak Forestry discovered through experience that there's a need for connective networking services between firefighters, firefighting companies, insurance companies, and landowners. At Peak Forestry, we are addressing that need and bridging the gap in fire and forestry service networking. This helps keep firefighters employed, while addressing a growing threat from urbanization into the fire-starved, densely over-grown forest ecosystem.


Here our mission is to locate and facilitate the networking connections between members and opportunities, allowing us to help firefighters sustain on and off-season employment while reducing wildfire fire threats facing our communities and lands.



The Peak Opportunity


What is Peak Forestry? We are a firefighter based recruitment agency, that helps connect firefighters with multiple employers. Rather than being exclusive to one sole employer, the firefighter is able to diversify his/her firefighting career experience by working with a variety of  independent wildland firefighting companies.


Who is Peak Forestry? We are firefighters. Peak Forestry is the collective group of certified firefighters that represent the company itself. Each time a trained recruit is dispatched on a fire with a company we have connected them with, they represent the Peak Forestry name. We recruit and train professionals who represent the highest standard of quality product we bring to the various companies that utilize our service. 


Peak Forestry is a part of bringing the next generation level of wildland firefighters into wildland fire. Too many of us in the industry understand the changes that need to be made, and many of us are using Peak Forestry as a professional platform to be a part of the dialogue that promotes those changes.


Why create Peak Forestry exactly? There are two main problems a contract firefighter faces when firefighting in the private contract wildland industry. The first problem is the lack of work. At some point, us seasonal wildland firefighters all get laid off for the fall, through spring.. or thereabouts. There's also the down time in between fires. But what if... we didn't have that problem? What if us firefighters (myself included) could have multiple employment opportunities, with several employers on an available or as needed basis? 


Let's take it one step more.. What if we could help place firefighters in Australia, New Zealand, or South Africa during the northern hemisphere winter months? There are multiple private contract wildland fire companies in the southern hemisphere that do in fact hire firefighters from the United States for the southern summer fire season. Imagine if firefighters could fight fire year round. For those who would love to do something like that, it would fix many problems that multiple seasonal firefighters face- such as 'seasonal poverty' (unemployment).  


We've covered one issue firefighters face, now for the other one. Records transfer. Trying to transfer records from one company to another can be a nightmare, both for the firefighter and for the company on the receiving end of the transfer. Furthermore, some companies have been known to purposefully withhold their employees records until the end of fire season (or beyond), in order to prevent the employee from transferring to another company. Peak Forestry is here to help streamline and negotiate that records transfer without creating conflict between multiple employers, or the respective employees we have provided to them.


With that said, these are the two reasons Peak Forestry is a company for the firefighters, based on the firefighters:


*Get more work (make more $$ + get more experience)

*Have a clear, efficient path for records transfer between multiple employers, without conflict.


There is another reason Peak Forestry was created. To serve those who create this opportunity in the first place; the firefighting companies. We have a pool of qualified firefighters that can serve multiple companies, ensuring that these employers have the manpower needed to staff a hand crew, or fire engine when the fire call comes in. Sometimes, firefighting companies cannot staff their contracted resource, and the next fire company on that list will get the work instead.


Peak Forestry is the direct answer to that problem.


Join us.


Be a part of the Peak network solution.

For prospective and experienced firefighters we offer company job placement services, certification/training, and off-season job opportunities. Click the red 'Firefighter' link to find out more information on training or employment opportunities.


For firefighting companies we offer certification and training services, intra-company staffing solutions between other companies, and firefighter locating, training, and hiring services using direct advertising and thorough vetting of applicants by veteran members within the industry. To use these networking services you have to become a registered member of our network. We have to verify that you are authorized to be representing a legitimate firefighting company. Click on the blue 'Members' link for more information.


For insurance companies and landowners with fire service needs, we offer a variety of services. We offer direct protection of private lands under contract with insurance companies when needed for direct fire protection. A contract can be developed in a matter of hours and becomes a legally binding agreement for a fire engine or crew to safely protect a specific piece of land or structure(s) in a timely manner.


Another service for insurance companies and landowners we also offer is off-season private land fuels reduction and mitigation labor services, where we can significantly reduce the threat of structural and/or agricultural losses from a future wildfire event.

An even more basic, and less expensive but highly valuable service we offer is assessment and consultation services based on science and performed by individuals with decades of fire experience and college degrees in forestry technology and wildland fire science. We offer comprehensive fire threat assessment and fuels mitigation consultation with planning services using computer fire behavior modeling, live and dead fuels loading plot assessments and data collection, climatological and topographical influences, entomological and pathological factors influencing fire threat, aerial survey using 1080 HD drone technology, fire history, and more.


We even have prescriptions that can be planned for the purpose of safely restoring fire to certain lands without risk of severe tree mortality or loss of containment. This is fact based science and is very important to the biological stability of an ecosystem that depends on periodical fire. We live in a fire adapted ecosystem, and because of that, we now understand just how vital fire application is to the ecological health, and ironically, for the fire safety of our lands.


For more information on any of the services offered to insurance companies and private land owners, please click the green 'Services' link.


Also don't forget to check out the yellow 'Fire Info' link for frequently updated FREE information services and webtools including: daily fire updates, weekly fire stats, the 'firefighters cellphone toolbox' (includes valuable fire data links and weather services like radar, and lightning data, mapping links etc.), Firefighting FAQ, Firefighting basics 101, understanding the differences and limitations between agency and contract firefighting, the basic history of wildfire and suppression, why we need fire, the rigorous agency application process and tips for success, the explanation of various firefighting job opportunities for contractors, information on the Wildland Firefighter Foundation and how to donate to it, our mission statement/about us, multimedia gallery and training materials, contact info for Peak Forestry, and how you can support our mission to help firefighters sustain off-season employment while reducing wildfire fire threats in the communities and lands we call home.

Contact Us Today!

Peak Forestry
PO Box 330

Wedderburn, Oregon 97491

Phone: 541-948-9300

E-mail: info@peakforestry.com

Firefighter Toolbox

Enhancement Resources- Free!

"In a globalized world, one application can spread like wildfire and there's only one winning company, which means you have to invest more than you've ever had."

-Douglas Leone

"It is known that wildfires behave unpredictably - this is fundamental - but it is my experience that humans in the presence of wildfire are also likely to behave in aberrant and unpredictable ways."

-Michael Leunig

"Ultimately, leadership is not about glorious crowning acts. It's about keeping your team focused on a goal and motivated to do their best to achieve it, especially when the stakes are high and the consequences really matter. It is about laying the groundwork for others' success, and then standing back and letting them shine."

-Chris Hadfield

"Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other."

-John F. Kennedy

"Be a yardstick of quality. Some people aren't used to an environment where excellence is expected."

-Steve Jobs

"A genuine leader is not a searcher for consensus but a molder of consensus."

-Martin Luther King, Jr.

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